Saturday, February 28, 2015

Declan's two months old!

I can't believe Declan's two months old already!

This month we signed Kylie up for preschool, finally celebrated our anniversary, played in the snow, and just spent a lot of time enjoying it together as a family:) We've had a very busy month, but I've enjoyed every minute of it!

Declan taking a little catnap by the lake. Life sure is rough for a little baby;)

Stopping to see the fish:) No Kylie, you cannot take one home so Fred (Kylie's goldfish) can have a friend!

Happy Valentine's Day! ❤️

Declan was not as excited as I was about his adorable bowtie shirt;)

Sledding for the first time ❄️

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Goodbye junk food

Since having Declan I have taken the opportunity to lounge around and eat anything and everything. This includes-but is not limited to-lots of See's molasses chips and late night Taco Bell runs for my hubby;) With Lent starting I have decided to give up ALL junk food, and I am now committed to 40 days of healthy eating. I'm excited, and I think it'll be a good change for all of us. I want to make sure I'm setting a good example and these two grow up making healthy choices too:)

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Snow day

Such a fun day! I wish days like these could last forever:)
Ready to hit the slopes!

Ouch Kylie! That snowball's made of ice!

Gotta bundle up for that cold California weather. Somewhere along the way we lost Declan's socks:( No worries it was about 80 degrees;)

Ahhhhh! Too fast! Too steep!

I want to go again!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Declan's first month:)

I can't believe a month has passed since this little guy came home!

First family photo:)

Time for your check up!

Snuggles and morning cartoons-by far the best way to start the day!

Bundled up for a brisk California morning walk;)

Monday, February 2, 2015

Sleep like a baby

We're not familiar with the word "sleep" in our house anymore;) With a four week old you don't get too much of it. You just try to sleep when they do-which can be hard when you also have a toddler:-/ Even so, I've been trying to enjoy every sleepless second because I know it lasts only a short time.

Thanks for the super comfy bean bag Nana:)